How to Engineer Corporate Community Impact

By Kelly Detra, Director of Engineering – Current Product & Customer Engineering |
kelly detra headshot

In kindergarten, I decided I was going to become a doctor, and that was my plan for the next 12 years.

As a senior in high school, I job-shadowed at a local hospital and immediately changed my mind. Wonderful profession, but not a good fit for me. My pivot to engineering was based on a mutual love for math and science. Beyond that, like most people at that age, I knew very little about what an engineer actually does.

Now when I go back to a classroom and volunteer at STEM events, I explain that engineering is the combination of science, math and creativity to solve problems. “What can I do as an engineer?” curious students often ask me. The answer: almost anything.

As an engineer with more than 30 years in the profession, I’ve discovered that this skill set goes beyond applications to work and education. And when applied to problem-solving alongside community partners, we can engineer deep and lasting impact.

Dig deep to understand the core issue and identify how you can help.

At Atmus, our core value of caring manifests itself in many different ways, including employees empowered to support their communities. And what can seem the most obvious way to show community support? Fundraising.

atmus employee group photo in front of a poster of the atmus logo

Atmus engineers participate in STEM Career Day at Oregon Middle School. Pictured from left to right: Erica Jessen, Angela Seitz, Tucker Strommen, Travis Goodlund, Jessie Knight and Kelly Detra. 

Fundraisers are important, and the money is put to good use. But at Atmus, we recognize that our most valuable resources are what no one else can give: our employees’ skills and their time. They’re the better collective impact. If we only focus on the immediate need or the request for funds, it’s like treating a symptom instead of curing the underlying disease. That doesn’t mean our efforts are meritless. It just means they could make an even greater difference with potential staying power.

Instead of only responding to a funding request with your dollars or volunteer opportunity by committing your time, ask: “What’s the deeper issue?” Go and investigate. Then try to determine how your team’s abilities and interests can intersect to form a valuable partnership.

Use the skill sets you have.

Engaging employee skill sets is not often the first thought in traditional community involvement events. But they should be. Many of us at Atmus are engineers or have other formidable skill sets, whether it’s supply chain experience, web development, accounting, marketing or project management. While we are encouraged to take time away to volunteer, we understand that it’s the combination of time given and skills applied that makes the biggest difference.

Let me explain by providing an example.

Our technical center in Wisconsin has a long-term partnership with a local food bank that’s the distributer for all food pantries in southern Wisconsin. On a monthly basis, we help sort and repackage food and produce.

In one of our yearly reviews, the food bank described how there were farmers in the area who wanted to donate excess fresh produce, but they didn’t have the means or logistics to manage such a variable commodity. One of our engineers, Jason Scherck, led a months-long project that involved coordinating the food bank, internal resources, external agencies and farmers to implement what is now called the Farm to Foodbank Program — and it’s still in operation.

What began as a structured employee volunteer activity advanced to bring about lasting change that resulted in operational and safety improvements. By going beyond volunteer hours, a community need was met in multiple areas — leading to a long-term result.

Kelly Detra, Jeff Rech and Sarah Horton (from left to right)

Atmus employees volunteering at a local food pantry. Pictured from left to right: Kelly Detra, Jeff Rech and Sarah Horton.

So ask yourself: Where can you make a difference? Can you design a website? Are you good with data or creating processes? Are you trained in problem-solving techniques? Many volunteer organizations are very good at what they do, but often deal with complex issues that go beyond their expertise or staff capacity.

Consider how you and your peers can use your skills and expertise to help a community partner solve a challenging problem. Incorporating the full picture can “engineer” a long-term positive impact that brings about lasting change.

What’s more, you’ll reinforce a work culture built on caring, excellence and a deep respect for our shared humanity.