Indirect Electronic Invoicing

Atmus Filtration Technologies utilizes the Ariba Supplier Network™ (ASN) as the electronic collaboration network for purchase orders (PO's) and Invoices.

ASN is one of the world's largest, open, business-transacting networks, with more than 100,000 e-enabled vendors transacting with hundreds of the world's largest buying organizations. By providing a single point of integration to trade globally in real time, the Ariba Supplier Network gives buying organizations a powerful solution to efficiently manage supplier interactions across the spend management lifecycle–resulting in immediate bottom-line savings.

Related Links 

.Why Ariba Supplier Network?

  • Multiple electronic protocols available to suppliers – web, fax, email, EDI or cXML
  • Rapid communication to supplier within minutes of an approved purchase order.
  • Ability to send invoices electronically to Atmus, ensuring that the invoice is received and processed quickly with fewer reconciliation errors – ultimately speeding payment to the supplier

Basic Steps for Suppliers:

  1. Register as a supplier on ASN, selecting the process in which your company will receive POs (web, email, fax, EDI, cXML.)
  2. Complete the "hand-shake" which confirms the relationship between your company and Atmus Filtration Technologies.
  3. Receive POs via the selected protocol.
  4. Create an invoice that exactly matches the PO and send invoice electronically to Atmus via ASN.

Supplier Enablement for Electronic POs

Attached below are detailed instructions provided by Ariba to help you register on ASN. You may select your preferred protocol to receive POs (web, email, fax, EDI, cXML). Initial membership to ASN is free. However, Ariba charges a nominal fee beyond certain transaction thresholds for the usage of their network. It is expected that each supplier will work directly with Ariba to ensure prompt payment.

Registering with Ariba for Electronic POs 

Ariba provides all support to suppliers for registration and issue resolution regarding ASN. Follow the link in the Related Links section above to connect with Ariba to get started or for help. For specific questions regarding Atmus requirements, please contact the person who requested your company to register on ASN.

Supplier Enablement for Electronic​ Invoicing

Atmus will begin receiving electronic invoices through ASN starting in June 2010 for US suppliers. The supported invoice protocols are PO Flip (HTML), cXML and EDI.

Decision tool to Select Electronic Invoicing protocol

Note: Suppliers who provide direct products and are currently setup to send invoices via EDI should continue with the Atmus EDI Invoicing process. Only invoices for POs that have the "INDF" prefix may be sent via ASN.

Ariba Support Resources

Ariba provides support to all suppliers who utilize the ASN, with additional support for suppliers with a Premier Membership. To contact Ariba, follow the link for ASN Information below and then select "Contact Us".

Ariba Support Contact

Atmus Contact Information:

Contact [email protected] for support.